In this paper, authors aim to detect c&c botnet without a priori knowledge. The key concept of this paper is to cluster malicious behaviors and communication traffic separately and mining relation between them. Their system achieve a good detection rate in their evaluation.
In this section, authors introduce current state of botnet. Classificaton of botnet is list below.
IRC Botnet, include
P2P Botnet, include Nugache and Storm/Peacomm
Related Work
Most related work are specific to IRC and HTTP protocols,which are most widest used by C&C botnet. This paper proposed a system to detect arbitrary protocols communications.
Definition and Assumption
The authors define the botnet as "A coordinated group of malware instances that are
controlled via C&C channels". That is, it is unavoidable for bot to communicate to other bot/bot server and it necessary for a bot to bring out some malicious activities.
Proposed Scheme
The architecture of botMiner is in the figure.
In order to detect bot in a network, BotMiner follow two observation, "who is talking to whom" and "who is doing what". Therefore the system is divide to C-Plan and A-Plan.
- C-Plan is responsible for communication
C-Plan Monitor employ hardware supporting(Cisco, Juniper) to log network traffic. - A-Plan is responsible for activities
Snort with SCADE (Statistical sCan Anomaly Detection Engine) plugin is used to implement A-Plan Monitor.
- the number of flows per hour(fph)
- the number of packets per flow(ppf)
- the average number of bytes per packets(bpp)
- the average number of bytes per second (bps)
After those feature are computed, X-mean, an K-means variant algorithms, is used to cluster in different feature space to implement course grain and fine grain cluster. X-mean can cluster without pre-define clustering number. X-means runs multiple rounds of K-means to find proper number of clustering with help of Bayesian Information Criterion. Similar approach is used in A-Plan cluster.
Finally, cross-check clusters is taken to find out intersections that infers exists of botnet.